here to go to a live page.
In general when you see text and images newspaper style on a page as shown in Example 1 below the following image features are avaiable:
- Enlarging images and slide show. Generally the images can be enlarged - the appearance of a magnifier cursor
indicates this. Once the image is enlarged in can be closed by pressing the escape key or clicking the close button on the navigate icons
. Alternatively the next previous arrows can be used to cycle through all the images on the page enlarged in slide show fashion.
- Clicking through to work details. If you hover the mouse over an area of an image showing a work, you may be shown tootltip text containing the work title. In this case the mouse cursor becomes a pointer
and you can click the image to go to details of the work. Note that this also works on the expanded image. However when navigating back from the detail to the story page using the browser go back button, Firefox and Safari work best (the others close the expanded window).
Monument to the Six Million, Impala Fountain, Unity is Strength
Click here to expand and do slide show
Click here to go to sculpture detail
The Monument to the Six Million
here to go to the live page.
This page is used to show a set of exhibition items. The set shown is controlled by the master and detail tag clouds labeled in the illustration below.
- Each exhibition item has a type:
Sculpture, Sketch, Document or
Remote Sculpture
- Most exhibtion items are of a certain medium. For example a sculpture can be
Wood or Bronze, a sketch can be
Pen on Paper, or Ink on Paper.
- One or more tags have been allocated to items to group them. For example
Bible or Abstract themes.
- All these attributes appear as tags in the tag clouds. The larger the tag font, the larger the number of items associated with it.
- Master tags are shown above the dviding line. Detail tags (below the dividing line) are listed only for those items that are associated with the master tag.
Master Tag Cloud
Image size slider
Detail Tag Cloud
Click on image to go to details
Image Showing Typical Exhibits Page
here to go to the live page.
This page is used to show details of an exhibition item. It has 3 tabs the Image tab
, the Info tab
and the Movie tab
- The Images tab shows one or more images of the work. You can expand the images and navigate to proir or next works.
- The Details tab shows various information about the work. You can expand the images and navigate to related works or work groups.
- The Movies tab if present shows one or movies or animations of the work. You can navigate the movie including making it full screen and choosing the definition - either high or low. Note that a definition selection will persist for other movies in this session.
The Image Tab
Previous Item
Next Item
Info, Image and Movie Tabs
Click on image to enlarge
Click to launch Hyper Zoom
Image Tab
The Info Tab
Item Tag Cloud
Related Exhibition Items
Info, Image and Movie Tabs
Info Tab
The Movie Tab
Movie player
High definition and full screen controls
Movie Tab