Unity is Strength  


Name: Unity is Strength
Medium: Bronze
Date Made: 1968
Dimensions: 220*350*350
Impala Fountain, The
Memorial To The 6 Million
Diamond Diggers
Rat Race, The
Super Ego

This is a blunt, mechanistic vision of the human form that could have only been inspired by Wald's earlier exposure to the modernist work of the English Vorticists, in particular Jacob Epstein's sculpture entitledThe Rock Drill (1913-1915). This sculpture was commissioned by the United Building Society in Johannesburg. According to Wald, it represented his vision for a future South Africa. Three men are represented joining their arms in communal effort, as he put it, "one with the face of a European, the second that of an African and the third the face of a man of mixed race origin". It seems that a maquette existed for his work as early as 1962 - 1965.

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