Louis Portrait (small Figure)  


Name: Louis Portrait (small Figure)
Medium: Bronze
Date Made: 1966
Dimensions: 028*014*017
Cast: 3 of 6
Sir Ernest Oppenheimer Portrait 2
Eskapa Baby Portrait
La Femme
Jacob Wrestling with the Angel
Job 1

Louis was nine years old when Herman Wald portrayed him in this full length statuette.  Child portraits,  whether idealized as in the Egyptian Horus figure or realistic as in Roman times, whether rendered in  Renaissance classicism or cubistic rhythmic movement  invariably have a powerful impact on the viewer. Herman Wald chose to render the characteristic features of the boy with his lanky limbs and heart-warming smile in the style of expressionism. Its rendering is highly personal, filled with the boundless love of a father who saw himself reflected in his son. 

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