Go Back Blog: Peasant Girl on Bonhams London sale on 20 March at 2pm
Louis Wald

Herman Wald's

Peasant Girl

will be on auction at

Bonhams, London

2pm Wed 20th March

Unlike Herman Wald’s individual portraits, this finely polished marble head represents a type. The young girl with the hair style of a Russian peasant appears as a tangible memory of Eastern Europe. Her smiling lips and strong features exude serenity and a quiet spirituality, enhanced by the excellent carving technique in which Herman Wald utilized the spots and lines of the marble to enliven her features.

This is one of only a handful of works created in marble by the artist.

Height: 47cm:      Sold for £5,000


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Recent Exhibtion photo tour

See the Peasant Girl at: Herman Wald website
See the Peasant Girl at: Herman Wald Exhibition website
Visit the recent exhibition website at: www.HermanWaldExhibition.com
Visit the Herman Wald website at: www.HermanWald.com
Visit the Herman Wald Facebook page at: www.facebook.com/HermanWaldSculptor


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